Sunday, January 11, 2009

How many "w's" were there again?

Yeah, still nothing new, but this was too funny not to share.

For those of us here in the 'states, you've no doubt heard about the upcoming clusterfuck when television stations are going to convert from analog to digital.

Seriously, it's gonna be bad for some people. For folks out there who have cable or satellite, it's not gonna be an issue, since their provider will switch them over with no problem. For those unfortunate few still getting their signal from old-style "rabbit ears" or an antenna mounted on the side of the house that looks like you could broadcast your own station (don't laugh...I've seen more than my fair share of those in my day), they've got a big problem to look forward to.

Seriously, even the incoming Obama administration is suggesting they postpone the switch, because (from what I've read) the current administration has done nothing to help get folks ready. (Mind you, that shouldn't come as a surprise: Clusterfuck and the Bush administration are two terms that go hand in hand.)

Check out this parody of the infomercials that have been appearing about the switch. Remember, it's just a parody...but when the FCC chief saw this at CES this weekend, he wasn't laughing.

Not that there's anything really worth watching anymore, but if some blue hair with rabbit ears can't see her CSI or Oprah, Hell will be raised.


Deanna Pasternak said...

We are actually going first! 3 days left till the switch, wish us luck.

Rene said...

Glad we're on Comcrap :D
But yeah, for a lot of people this will not be very easy to do. And I love how everything points to the internet for help, does everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) really have internet at home?

Denise said...


Shauna said...

no CSI or Oprah?

There's a reason to stick with Analog!