Sunday, November 18, 2007

I've got dreams to remember

The title's from a song by Otis Redding.

Been listening to a lot of 50's and 60's R&B as of late. I go through different musical moods, like everyone else. These days, it's classic R&B: Otis, Marvin Gaye, Johnny Ace, Ivory Joe Hunter...folks like that. Seems like I've been listening a lot to XM Radio's Soul Street when I'm out & about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Music is an integral part of my life. I can remember growing up, the radio was on more than the television. I literally wore out some old records from playing them too much. I'd play Johnny Horton's "Battle of New Orleans" so many times, over and over, I think I just about drove My Kid crazy.

I remember vinyl. I remember 8-tracks and cassettes. I also remember when CDs first came out and thought the concept was so cool. My music in a portable format, nice and crisp and cool. (Of course, nowadays, we're all about retro and vinyl and how we miss the pops and hisses we used to have on records. All that proves is that people are fickle and we change our minds constantly...)

Still have my first CD: The Unforgettable Glenn Miller. Yeah, I've gotta be different. You'd think, someone my age, in his late teens and early 20's, first CD player, would get something from that period. What do I get? 40's Big Band music.

Proof that I'm unique, and that's a nice way of saying strange.


Really, I didn't have anything else to say. I'm still trying to figure out what to call myself. I'd considered "ellipsis", since I'm always typing the "...", but that doesn't seem to fit. Still not using my real name online. I thought, for a few minutes, about "JAFI" (Just another fucking idiot), but I can think of two...maybe three...people out there who'd smack me upside the head because of my low self-esteem and self-depreciating sense of humor.

Eh, there's no rush. This isn't a destination I'm trying to reach. I know who I am, but I just don't know what to call myself.

For now...I'm just me. Nothing less, and nothing more.


Cami said...

I'd be fighting to be first in line to swat you upside the head for that name. You are NOT a 'JAFI'!

The more deeply I get involved in music, the more I'm able to recognize the amazing theraputic effects of it. *nod*

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with just being you. *smile*

Onestar said...

Well, although Jafi still sounds good...I think I'll be sticking with Onestar for awhile. ;)

Foodie said...

oh I remember vinyl and still have some stored at home, and remember when buying a cassette was SO expensive that I had to save money for a month to get it lol