Thursday, February 25, 2010

Take another one off the list

Some long time readers may remember an entry I wrote about a year ago (hyperlinked for those of you with short attention spans) where I spoke of a list I have on a white board in my home.

The list is simple with four things:

1. Sell the house
2. Get out of debt
3. Find a job
4. Marry Julie

I was able to cross #3 off for a little while last year. I did have a job, but it ended back in January. Once again, I'm unemployed and looking. If you know anyone between Rockford, IL and Chicago's Western Suburbs who's looking for a geek with 15 years Tier I/Tier II experience, put in a good word for me, please.

As of this past Wednesday, I was able to scratch another one off that list. Actually, its been on the whiteboard for so long, it didn't wipe off easily. There's still smudges on the board that won't come off.

I sold the house.

It'd been on the market for over a year with no buyers until about a month ago. I won't go into details, but...I didn't get as much as I'd hoped for the place. I wanted to get enough to pay off all my bills and get out of debt, but that's not going to happen, I fear. (Yes, I owe that much.)

But I finally sold the old homestead.

That house had been in my family for 50 years. Generations passed and it was in our name. It was a good house. It needed some work and some love: I fear I'm not the best at keeping up with some of the home improvement projects, and for it to be fixed up well, I didn't have the much needed cash.

Wednesday morning, the final papers were signed and the house was sold.

When I told Julie it was finally done, she asked me if I was all right with that. Kinda late for regrets, I'd say...but yeah. That house was part of my "old" life, and I'm firmly committed to this new life with her. We decided that we'd have to find a place of our own at some point, and make it "our home". She then hummed a little Madness while I oped for CSNY. It was funny...guess you hadda be there.

I'll be able to pay off some of the bills with the money from the sale of the house, some of the smaller ones. I'm still not sure if I'll have to file for bankruptcy to pay off the bigger credit cards, or if (when) I get another job, see if some of those credit counseling services can help me. I already tried once, and wasn't able to qualify...but things do change.

When it's all said and done, it was just a house. Here, now...with Julie and the kids and the cat who's walking around the table in the middle of the night as I write this...I'm home. I'm where I want to be, and I can't be happier.


Rene said...

You and me are running very similar courses ...
Glad you were able to sell the house, the longer you were holding on to it, the more it was becoming a stone around your neck. Sure, there are debts to pay off, but you have time to do that. At least there's one worry off the list ...

Shauna said...

Sorry to see it go...but it went for the *right* reason. Good luck with the job hunt. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.