Saturday, January 16, 2010

Countdown to 04/16/11 - One

So it's 2010. If I haven't wished you a Happy New Year yet, well, I'm only about 16 days late at this point. Given my track record with procrastination, I figure I'm in good shape.

I'd noted in my last blog post that my production here has really dropped off as of late, for various reasons. I haven't felt like bitching about the inability to sell an old house, the fact that my job is going to end as of this Friday, and my debt is now approximately that of a small Third-World Nation.

Despite that, I've been enjoying my life. Julie is, as I have told her many times, the best thing to ever happen to this old fool. In 455 days as of this writing, we are going to get married, and we've started to talk about...and plan...the "big event".

In an effort to jump start my blog (and my writing abilities) again, I figure...what the heck...let's talk about it. See how long this lasts. I figure I'll chronicle things here as to plans, decisions and the what-not until I either get bored, or those few stalkers of mine who visit this site (and you know who you are...and so do I...since I track all visitors) get tired of it and decide to hunt me down once and for all.

If you are stalking me, please feel free to comment and say "hi". Julie would love to talk to you.

So, since this is the first installment, let's cover some of the basics that we've discussed so far:

  • The wedding date is set for April 16th, 2011.
  • We've decided we want a small, intimate wedding with just family and a few close friends, but we're gonna have a big reception. Hell, it's gonna be one big party.
  • I've already decided on my best man, my best friend Tim. Julie's daughters are going to be her maids of honor.
  • Her kids are all in the wedding party, and they're giving her away. It's still unclear if they're going to give her to me yet.
  • I told Julie I only want one thing from her for the wedding: She had to wear a dress. I told her sweatpants were not an option, and she has agreed, albeit first. Now, she and her girls are enjoying looking for wedding dresses.
  • In fact, Julie, Jessica and Hailey are going dress shopping on Monday.
  • I will be wearing a tux, but it will be simple. They're worried I will pick out something with tails or something ridiculous (which I wouldn't, although it'd be fun to shock the shit out of them), so the decision of which tux I will wear may be decided upon by committee.

Right now, that's all we've got. We're looking at places to hold the wedding, where to have the, ah...reception, and how the Hell we're going to pay for everything. That last point will be the most interesting. I'm wondering how many body parts I'm going to have to sell to fund it all, or else who I have to pimp out.

When we know more, we'll share here (or maybe Julie will post something in her blog for the first time in nearly a year...hi, baby!). If you're curious, please feel free to read. If you're bored already by the thought of this, please let me know. Won't say I'll do a damn thing about it, but it's nice to get feedback on this blog...


loveno88 said...

The only comment I have is that we don't share with everyone where this blessed event is going to take place. I would hate for all Eric's stalkers, and you know who you are, to show up. BTW...'HI' stalkers!

Love you, Poopie.....and yes, maybe I will actually blog for the public once again....

Rene said...

Good thing to start planning your wedding. Maybe you can already start payment plans for the various parts of the wedding, so you don't have come up with a gargantuan amount at the back end of the wedding.

Sterl said...

Suweet, congrats on settling on a date!

*jots down*

Denise said...

Are the stalkers still stopping by? Yeeeesh...I've been well behind the times, then.

I'm so excited for both of you!!!


Shauna said...
