Saturday, October 06, 2007

What else I did on my vacation

This past Thursday, I decided to go for a drive.

About an hour, hour and a half from the city is one of the most beautiful places I've seen on this planet. Ohiopyle State Park is a place I've talked about before, and if you wanna know more, check the link or feel free to search Google.

Since I'm still in vacation mode (and trust me, Monday morning is really gonna suck, I'll just leave you with this video.


Anonymous said...

i love the sound of the rushing water like that. And when you panned over to the left...WOW. Beautiful.

yankeebelleshome said...

Onie! It's me! Haus Frau from DA!
I forgot to write down my flippin' Blogger user name and password last year when I signed up for an account and only today just MAGICALLY remembered it! So now I can communicate again!

I've started posting back at DA too. I know you don't go there anymore, but my kids all do and Momma's gotta keep an eye on Blondie girl, so may as well keep up with my friends there too.

ProsePetals said...

*soft sigh*.....:)

Lorri said...

I was in VA for three days, got back on Monday. The scenery was stunning.

I'm glad you had time to r&r, and enjoy the surroundings.

Lorri said...

Boo! :)