Happy 2009!
Okay, okay, okay. I know some of you have been waiting (im)patiently for an update of some sort, and I've been very quiet.
I was at a group interview session this past Monday with a major Cable company (no names, but take three guesses, and the first two don't count) which lasted about half a day.
Initially, they said there were some 170 applicants for the IP Support position. There were roughly 30 of us there for a class of 14 openings. I'd like to think my odds were good, but it's been almost a week, and I haven't heard anything yet.
I've heard said that "no news is good news", but the longer I have to wait, the worse the chances look. The only thing I can hope is that they've tried to contact my former employer to verify I worked there, but they were closed until Friday. If they needed that...
I've been very bad in keeping up correspondence as of late. For that, forgive me. I dunno if it's a funk I've been in, or it's just that I've been enjoying spending time with Julie, but I haven't sent e-mails or checked blogs, and I've got people I should write. I'm sorry. I'm hoping the new year will bring work, and maybe...
When I hear something, anything, I'll let y'all know. Promise.
Everythin in time :-)
of course, we all take it personally *rolls eyes*
you'll find what you need but i understand the waiting part is a pain.
hang in there and be well.
Happy 2009 to you too!
And yes, I've been waiting for an update but been patient about it. ;P (figured you'd fill us in when you know anything) Still - good luck!
I've not been doing too much corresponding myself - I'm hibernating. (grumpy is a part of that)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
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