Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Every day life...

So, I've decided to use this "blog" the same way as everyone else does: Blather on about daily life, things that happen, my ups, my downs, and bore everyone.

I'll save the rants, the columns and the pieces of that sort for my Joeuser blog. It's a better fit for that.

Still no promises that I'll update this frequently, but I might fool ya. Might fool myself, even.


My back's trying to go out on me. I can feel it...lower back, above the left hip. It twinges every once in awhile, reminding me its there and telling me to watch it. S'all right...shouldn't be too much in the way of heaving lifting (I hope).

Gonna rain tonight. Gonna get cold too. I need to get a new bed, that's all there is to it...

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